Ever tried to do something but you never complete? Or you give up along the way?


I tend to be impatient like all the time, a weakness am trying to work on, but it has helped me learn the hard way. Losing something when you are so close to getting it sucks! But you cant realize that you are because you are blinded by what is ahead and fail to work on the small details.

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“The end of something is much more important than the beginning” words my mom tells me all the time. They make a lot of sense, if you sit down and think about it.

If you want to do something or achieve a goal give it time to grow, take every step at a time. Do not be overwhelmed by the little achievements that come with it, if you are not yet there keep on working.


One last thing be ready to give it 100 or nothing at all. The results are priceless.



“value has its value, only if its value is valued”